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Mythodreas Beta v 0.5.2
Found a bug? Contact us and report it!

Hello and welcome to Beta Mythodreas

Welcome to a world of myths and dreams, where you can either be the Hero, the Villain, or the Watcher.
To begin your Mythodreas Experience, Register or Embark!

Alchemist WolfSol's Notes

Recent Changes
(Beta v0.5.2 Addendum)

(Beta v0.5.2 Addendum; 2025-03-25 to 26)
  • Removed TinyMCE Text Editor throughout Mythodreas. It was nice while it lasted, but I am not about to deal/pay for a limit that was never organically reached. Please bear with me as I switch everything over to another Text Editor.
(Beta v0.5.2 Addendum; 2025-03-25 to 26)
  • Note: I'm reaching a code burn out. I will be taking a break, and will likely only be actively assisting with critical bugs and answering questions (Contact Us) until this weekend.
  • Refactored user profiles in order to prepare for future ease with changes and modernization.
  • Set up "like/unlike" behavior. Initial behavior is subject to change.
  • Research into alternatives for TinyMCE textarea as it almost reached 80% of its cap limit due to tests ran on 03-24.
(Beta v0.5.2 Addendum; 2025-03-24)
  • Updated account settings page: removed email verification, tentatively released username change, temporarily reduced character limit for usernames down to 12, updated design, and updated behavior.
  • Released ability to "delete account." This action will disable your account for a time, and then it will be removed from Mythodreas.
(Beta v0.5.2 Addendum; 2025-03-22 to 23)
  • Fixed issue where custom avatars didn't always work when first uploaded.
  • Updated familiar profile and edit familiar profile: design changed, can now update familiar's profile in 2 places, can view/edit multiple familiars if available, users can view multiple familiars owned by another [Example], and can rename familiar (character limit will be changed to 3-12 characters).
  • Removed Den hyperlink as it will likely be superseded by changes mentioned above.
  • Fixed bug that prevented user from updating profile information; resolved instances where profiles and colors would involve surprise characters.
  • Removed profile award showcasing, media, cover art, and custom avatars until further notice.
  • [Example screenshot] Successfully created more than 1 Familiar (now have 3/5) with the new familiar creation. Need to wrap up a few things before it's released.
  • Fixed images for Swifte Female, Dactly Baby Female, and Special Colored Denrets.
  • Finished major improvements to the starter quest: allows user to skip scenes/skip right to the important stuff, allows user to save progress, requires less redirects unless user is skipping. Still WIP: Must research a better way to handle options dynamically so as to prevent user from seeing option B and C's outcome when they only selected option A.
(Beta v0.5.2 Addendum; 2025-03-17)
  • Updated a very old [Cloud Buster] flash game (support provided by Ruffle) to where it will load and play. It is not completed as it is not yet able to apply awards in the form of Pence, is not touchscreen compatible, and is not ideal for modern PC screens/accessibility stucks (tiny). It's rather dated, but I will not be able to finish trying to fix scaling and etc. until another day.
(Beta v0.5.2 Addendum; 2025-03-16)
  • TOS updated
  • Note: The second rendition of First Familiar quest will implement a save function to help users who start it or a future quest but cannot finish it in time. Also additional general QOL changes.
  • Resolved issue where choices were not directing to the correct outcome in First Familiar/Starting the Journey v2 (currently developer restricted)
  • Set up "Skip" and "Reconsider" buttons to allow user to jump ahead in story if they do not wanto to read/reread, and to allow the user to reconsider important decisions like alignment for First Familiar/Starting the Journey v2
(Beta v0.5.2 Addendum; 2025-03-13)
  • Resolved an issue where Familiar Interaction v1 was not allowing Wanderers to tend to their Familiar (Familiar Interaction v2 will not involve a new window, I will prioritize this for the weekend because if the window annoys me, I can only imagine how it annoying others).
  • Fixed an issue with one of a Familiar's sayings that involved a symbol in place of "..."
  • Temporarily disabled Kelystia's quest until First Journey v2's questing system is ready
  • Side note: aware of a bug with profile editing (thank you for reporting the issue :) )
(Beta v0.5.2 Addendum; 2025-03-01 to 2025-03-02)
  • Cookie banner warning adjusted and redesigned
  • [Example screenshot] Working on a better system/set up regarding how quests (both side, NPC encounter, and main story) are handled when displayed back to the user (e.g. minimal page redirection, more seamless so new quests can be added faster
(Beta v0.5.2 Addendum; 2025-02-27)
  • Ongoing adjustments to how your familiar and settings interact and are used throughout Mythodreas; you may encounter issues while I tie up all the loose ends
(Beta v0.5.2; 2025-02-26)
  • Satchel (Inventory) menu design updated; removed "grid" display for cellphones
  • [Example screenshot] Item Interaction v2 (not yet available) fully supports the following Satchel (inventory) actions: read, discard, and use
  • Item Interaction v2 will appear as a modal and will force the Wanderer's deivce to scroll to the top so that the modal is not overlooked
  • Satchel's methods of letting the Wanderer know when something is wrong, while using Item Interaction v2, has been updated
  • If a Wanderer does not have a Familiar when they choose to a read a book from their Satchel (Inventory) then Jakhar will join them
  • Fixed issue where male Rodentra Familiars liked to hide away from their Wanderers

Work in Progress
(Updated 2025-03-26)

  • User profiles update: temporarily remove buttons that direct users to unfinished features, fix likes/unlikes, that redirection logic when posting a comment is super gross and outdated (fix that), adjust design for wall comments, allow replying to comments directly.
  • Finished work on allowing multiple Familiars per Wanderer's account. Need to allow switching of "active Familiar," and wrap up Quest Manager before release. Will mark v0.5.3.
  • [Example screenshot] Item Interaction v2 (restricted to alchemist (developer) at this time)
  • [Example screenshot] Fix and re-release the Quest Manager system (adjusting it so we can add quest content quickly and easily; making it all less complicated because right now it's... really complicated to add a quest)

WolfSol's Laundry List
(Not in any order)

  • Wall Comments look ugly. Also the redirection when posting a comment is really lame.
  • Allow multiple Familiars per Wanderer
  • Finish Item Interaction v2
  • Finish Familiar Interaction v2
  • Add additional familiar interactions (ability to talk to Familiar, groom Familiar, etc.)
  • Finish Battle System
  • Finish "Stock Brain" so that NPC stallkeepers will have more competitive pricing based on availability, time of day, frequent buyers, etc.
  • Finish Wanderer/Exploration System
  • Set up ability to dodge Wanderer System's Random Encounters (for Wanderers and Familiars that do not want to fight)
  • Finish helping Familiars with their dialogues
  • Finish additional main story quest lore
  • Finish Quest Manager so that "Journey Continued" Main Story Quest after First Familiar can be accessed by Wanderers
  • Redo Private Messaging
  • Redesign Forums (I don't like the look of it)
  • Finish Notification Manager
  • Fix issues with Random Encounter and re-release it to Wanderers
  • Fix issues with Profile's wall posts
  • Redesign Profiles so they appear nicer
  • Redo User Stalls
  • Fix issue where Holiday Event System requires manual reset
  • Finish Reporting and Ticket Portal systems

Unscheduled Maintenance

During weekends (starting 2/1/25), parts of Mythodreas may temporarily become unavailable while our Alchemist (Web Developer) works their magic with updates and enhancements.

About Mythodreas Guides

We are a very small group of volunteers hoping to one day see this land of myths and dreams meet its full potential. Want to help us out with code, lore, or digital art? Or maybe you have a question or concern? Please don't hesitate to reach out to us and make use of our contact form.