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Guides and Staff of Mythodreas

Goddess - Site Owner
Evonnay (#631919); Keptsoul (#631823)
The Goddess, or site owner, is responsible for the site's functionality and existence, the Goddess acts as the Guides' leader, adviser, and supportive friend.

The Overlord - Site Co-Owner
Liamel (#631822)
The Overlord, or site co-owner, is responsible for the site's functionality and existence, the Overlord acts as the Guides' leader, adviser, and supportive friend.

Alchemist - Web Developer
WolfSol (#631818)
An Alchemist is a web developer for Mythodreas. They are responsible for maintaing site code, functionality, security, and data.

Scribe - Content Manager
Canis (#631831); WolfSol (#631818)
A Scribe is a content manager for Mythodreas. They are responsible for making sure all content is grammatically correct and free of misspellings, updating written content, and keeping the theme and content up to date.

Muse - Artist
InuMimi (#631830); Phoxatol (#631832)
A Muse is the artist that oversees all art that pertains to Mythodreas. In addition, they create beautifully talented pieces of art for Mythodreas! A Muse is an artist, and they create beautifully talented pieces of art for Mythodreas.

Gatekeeper - Moderator
Ekeae (#631833); Vampy (#631902)
A Gatekeepeer is a moderator that oversees all disciplinary actions, user reports, and monitor all user-posted content. A Gatekeeper is a moderator, and they help in making Mythodreas a safe and fun place by monitoring all user-posted content.

Guardian - Support
Luna (#631897)
A Guardian is over Mythodreas's Support, and they are an overseer of all user questions related to Mythodreas's site features. In addition, they are tasked with aiding new users. A Guardian is Mythodreas's Support, and they are responsible for answering all questions, monitoring and aiding new users, and monitoring Newbie Pack functions.

A Head or Lead Guide is a title for a Guide who is deemed as that department's supervisor or leader. Most of the decisions are made by the Head, and most of the content is passed through them before it's able to be published publicly on the site.

Seekers - Trainee
A Seeker is a Trainee of a department for Mythodreas. They are tasked with learning about their department's functionality, responsibilities, and necessary skills.

Miss Kopecky: For our day and night layout for the site and affilation with LoreBeasts
Farore/Maya: For shelter's code, Rah creature, and affiliation with Leporidae
Users, strangers, family and friends that have helped us with both site art, code, features, and more. We are incredibly thankful for your support!

Beta Testers
Beta Testers were approved of during Mythodreas's comeback on 22 June 2018. They are able to access certain features that are not yet released to all users, and are often requested to look for any glitches or bugs that our Alchemist(s) may have missed.