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Mythodreas has treated you well so far. Every step in this new world is full of adventure and excitement. If it's this wonderful, how is the land of Mythodreas not more popular than it already is? One of Evonnay's Wisps watches your awestruck expression, a mischievous grin plastered on its face. It asks, in a voice clearer than a bell, "You've lost your way, haven't you, Wanderer?"

A lot of time and effort is put into maintaining the world of Mythodreas in order to keep Wanderers like you happy and safe. The fact you're wondering how to help the world proves that you're a dedicated being with a heart of gold. It's admirable that you'd like to support the Guides and the world of Mythodreas however you can. I've got a few ideas of what you can do to help grow the community...

You could always tell others about this mystical world you've come to know and love! There are plenty of individuals out there who have no clue a place like Mythodreas exists, and more Wanderers means more friends and people to interact with. In addition, it means Mythodreas has a chance at peace from the Obscured!

You can help Mythodreas grow into a larger community by telling everyone you know about it. I bet they'll thank you later! And do tell a Guide if you've thought of a new way to get Mythodreas's name out there; they're always looking for new ways to grow the community!

Everyone performs better with a little encouragement. If the Guides feel inspired and appreciated, they're sure to realize that their hard work is making a difference, and it will help motivate them to finish new features!

The best way to motivate the Guides is to post on news updates, thank or bless a Guide, be active in the community, and, if you're feeling particularly generous, donate!

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If you'd like to become a Mythos partner with us then email us at mythodreasadministration@mythodreas.com. Our only requirement is that you use our Mythodreas banner somewhere on your site:

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There's always voting too! There are other worlds out there that are just as competitive as we hope to be. If you vote for us, you can help us get known as we climb up the ladder to success! Who knows, maybe if we hear that you've voted and supported us... you might be given a special gift!
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